
About US

REDDIS N.P. INTERNATIONAL a Company specialized in Export of medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Seeds, Roots, leaves to homeopathic Labs, Pharmacies and Perfumery Industry.

The company possess the requisite technical knowledge and expertise
India is a vast country, with varied climatic regions and Agro Climatic Zones, we have specialized research team to procure products as per the customers requirement, totally committed to product reliability and customers service.


The right species checked by our specialized research team.
Close monitoring and control during collection.
Select drying process, also we adopt customer specifications and technique if required
Fresh materials and no old stocks.

This Product List will only give you a general idea of the products we normally deal in. It is not possible to include all medicinal and aromatic plants in the list. Of course, there are many other medicinal and aromatic plants within our reach. We also undertake cultivation for bigger quantities on specific orders.

On receipt of specific enquiries indicating the product name and quantity required, we shall be glad to execute Paid Sample order.

We are here to fully understand and meet your requirements honestly and efficiently.